Welcome to the show..GEORGE G Hoyt Family in Stanton & Remus, MI


   The navigation window will open when the show starts & at 30 second intervals between Slides for uploading of Photo's.

    <<Prev and Next>> will move backwards and forwards, the Images, in the show on manual Pause.

   Auto will start the automatic SlideShow, advancing through each slide. Pause will stop a show & you can run it manually.

    Hide will send the navigation window behind the active window. Click at below desktop bar for Navigation to appear

    End will end the show, close the navigation window and return to the start.

 NOTE: The Time Interval is Considered for Different Computer Speed of Processors, & Upload of Images & Internet Traffic loads. 

 NOTE 2:  In  Microsoft Browser, IE, the Slides will have been reduced or Resized; Place your Cursor on Slide when it appears , and you will
                   be shown a box with arrows in lower right hand corner, Click onto that box, then again to reduce, etc.

                   In Netscape 6.2 or 7.0 , the slides will appear original size

Start the show         

03-20-2020 Updated Version) 49 images

Copyright © 1999Beagle Software