List of Individuals
Willmine, Henry W.
Wilmot, Eleanor
Wilsey, Nellie
Wilson, Alma
Wilson, Amy Ann
Wilson, Benjamin
Wilson, Elizabeth Jean
Wilson, Eugene Victor
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Jane
Wilson, Kassandra Diane
Wilson, Katherine Klare
Wilson, Lois Jean
Wilson, Lois Jean (1)
Wilson, Margaret Ellen
Wilson, Martha
Wilson, Mary
Wilson, Mary Susan
Wilson, Michael (Mike)
Wilson, Orville Jennings
Wilson, Paul Allen
Wilson, Paul Allen (1)
Wilson, Robert Marshall
Wilson, Sarah
Wilson, Sarah (m.3rd)
Wilson, Tyla
Wilste, Howard B.
Wiltse, Henry
Winfield, Annette
Wing, Asa
Wing, Elihu
Wing, Lorenzo D.
Wing/|Jr, Elihu
Wingate, Margery
Winne, Agnes
Winne, Catharine
Winne, Catharine (2)
Winne, Catherine
Winne, Daniel
Winne, Daniel (1)
Winne, Frederick
Winne, George
Winne, Gerrit
Winne, Gregory Scott
Winne, Jane
Winne, Jeannetje
Winne, John
Winne, Moses
Winne, Peter Twin
Winne, Pieter
Winne, Robert
Winne, Thomas
Winne/|Fran, Francis
Winne/|Johanne, John
Winsinger, ?
Winter, Lynnette Ann
Winters, Mr.
Winters, Susan
Wintz, Leona E.
Wirth, Harriette Teter
Wischer, Rubie Brooks
Wissman, Donald
Wit, Nora
Witherell, Daniel
Withrow, Donald A.
Witte, Edward Byrch
Witte, Edward Latchworth
Witte, Isabel
Witte, Nicholas Hoyt
Wittenberg, Edward
Wittenberg, Edward A.
Wittenberg, Jay Anne
Wolfe, ?
Wolfe, Burt
Wolfe, Sean
Wolfe, Susan
Wollam, Helen
Wollensack, Mary Jane
Wonders, Harry
Wonders, Harry (1)
Wonders, Harry (2)
Wood, Charles H.
Wood, Dorcas Dorothy
Wood, Julian Hamilton
Wood, Keziah
Wood, Keziah (1)
Wood, Lois
Wood, Mary
Wood, Mary A
Wood, Matilda
Wood, Mortimer A.
Wood, Samuel
Wood, Samuel Basil
Woodall, Thomas Norman
Wooden, Richard L
Woodruff, Exa Lee Angeline
Woodruff, Rita
Woods, Andrew Thomas
Woods, Philip Robert
Woods, Thomas Robert
Woodward, Jeanie
Wormwood, Samuel
Wosak, Frank
Woznitky, Martha F
Wright, Benjamin
Wright, Caroline E.
Wright, Hannah
Wright, Judah
Wright, Merkle, Charlotte
Wright, Mr.
Wright, Penelope
Wright, Rhoda
Wright, Sarah
Wyen (Van Wie), Gerrit, Van Wien, Van Wiene, Van Wye, Van Wee,
Wyma, Johann
Yampolsky , Jay
Yampolsky , Lily Grace
Yancey, Thomas Biggers
Yeo, Thomas
Young, Catherine (Katy)
Young, Edith Josephine
Young, Freeborn
Young, Margaret M.
Young, Mr
Young, Nancy
Young, Ronald
Young/|Jung|,Herin, Victoria
Youngman, Christopher
Zappia, Frank
Zappia, Pamela Ann
Zentgraf, Friedericus L.
Zentgraf, George Adam
Zentgraf/|,Leimbac, Margaretha
Zettler, Ellen
Zoyland, Weston

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